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Meet Yaya

"Designing Events That Are Uniquely Yours"


Nicole Davis affectionately known as Yaya is the owner and lead designer of Yaya Designed Events. Born in The Bronx, NY during the birth of hip hop this natural born creator couldn't help but dive into the realms of art, music, dance and fashion. Yaya's love for both creativity and florals show up in her work. From styling shoots, to designing events or just thinking about that beyond-perfect floral design she can't wait to execute. 

Yaya credits her Puerto Rican mother for exposing her to all genres of music and art and her Black-American father for exposing her to his own talent of songwriting. Growing up in The Bronx allowed her to experience different cultures without ever needing a passport. The beauty of the various cultures has allowed her to some how bring all of those elements together to produce some of the most uniquely designed events. 

When Yaya was 17 years old, she became a teenage mother. She's has faced adversities and even struggled with poverty and homelessness, but managed to overcome and go on to achieve great things in her life. To date her biggest accomplishment is battling and living with Stage 4 breast cancer and even through this she refuses to give up on her dream of becoming a successful business owner. This has given her a passion for helping others overcome their own odds.

Yaya's vision is to be able to help the youth explore their creative talents, which may become the therapy they may need to help them cope with their own adversities. Providing opportunities of training/employment for women re-entering society from the prison system as well as work within the prison systems to create family events for those parents who are subject to longer prison sentences. She believes that every incarcerated parent and their child deserve to have a memorable moment and her annual events will provide just that. 

Yaya has over 20 years experience providing administrative support to multi-level executives in various industries such as fashion, outdoor advertising, culinary, medical, redistributing and now her very own Premium Event Design company. With her professional and design experience you can expect a detail-oriented designer with great customer service experience, who possesses a thorough understanding of the importance of paying attention to detail, and can rely on that knowledge to deliver stellar results. She is passionate about design and enjoys working with clients to create work that is both uniquely designed and functional. 

When Yaya isn't working on an upcoming event you can find her attending a business conference/workshop, spending time with her children and grandson(HER WHY's), popping in at a dance class, cooking up a new dish, being a sports mom, and most importantly inspiring and impacting others.

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